Monday, May 4, 2020

Additional Movie CCR

Part two of my CCR.

Audience and Institution Practice Essay

1. Assess the importance of marketing in the media area you have filmed.
Marketing is of significant importance in the film industry. It’s mandatory for every film. Without marketing, there's a higher chance that the film will not be successful. The main reason why marketing is of such importance is because it attracts an audience and generates sales. This makes everything easier for the film company as they only have to pour their all into marketing and watch the rest unfold.    
   Marketing attracts an audience. This can be done through placement and marketing methods. Putting the advertisements on the correct platforms can draw the intended audience. According to ‘’, 95% of Gen Z uses YouTube. A film that is intended for teenage viewers will have trailers  released on YouTube as that is where this specific audience can be targeted. Moreover, case studies such as Beauty and the Beast and Black Panther have used marketing methods such as Cross Promotion and Merchandise to attract audiences. Beauty and the Beast used Kohl’s, The Bachelor, twitter, mugs, ornaments, etc. Black Panther used the latest 2018 Lexus LS 500, debut trailer during an NBA Finals Game, and clothes for adults and children. All of these methods of marketing increases anticipation for the movie and increases the amount of potential viewers 
   Additionally, marketing generates sales. An example of this can be the film Jurassic World. This movie earned about $1.67 billion at the box office. Posters along with four main trailers were distributed on the internet. All of which aided in the final outcome. Another film that uses marketing methods is Spiderman Homecoming. This film uses synergy. Through synergy, Spiderman Homecoming partnered up with Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a very well known cereal brand amongst everyone. This film itself made a total of $880.20 million. These marketing methods allowed for a wide range of viewers to preview the film and therefore get excited about it. Especially little kids who saw the toy on the cereal box. 
   In essence, marketing is a part of the distribution process. This helps companies decide where the film will be released, when it will be released, and more things of that nature. All of this is done because without it, marketing cannot happen. Marketing is essential to the film industry being that without it, more than half of successful movies today would not be as successful as they are. Marketing is the reason why films are able to draw in the type of audience that they attract and make the high amounts of money that they make. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Essay + Worksheets

The chosen extract for me is 24. This extract drew my attention in the fastest way. It’s about a woman by the name of Nina who is being interrogated by Jack about the President and bombs. Why? Unknown.  The theme of this extract includes counterintelligence, and secrecy all revolved around the theme of thriller. 
    The opening scene immediately gave off the mysterious and intense vibe that the director clearly put upfront as it was done through incidental music, an over the shoulder shot and zoom in. All before the dialogue began.  Within those edits, Jack was introduced. The agitated man who  wants answers from the hard-headed woman that refuses to provide them without her way. The answer to the same question that leaves the viewers wondering as well. 
Who Nina is, why this bomb was set and why the President's signature is needed for it are all the things in question as the scenes continue. The props of handcuffs, papers and a table are used to show a suspenseful interrogation. Add the hostility between the characters and that emphasizes the severity of this issue. 
   Before the dialogue begins, Jack tries to intimidate Nina through the diegetic sound of his footsteps. He takes slow steps as he walks around. When the face of Nina is seen, it's done through close-ups. This is done to draw attention to the slight smirk that's on her face. From there, an eye line match is done. Nina looks up at the clock and gets to talking. Meanwhile, Jack isn’t interested in anything that she has to say. He, instead, wants to know more information about the bomb and how to stop it.  Everything but their faces are lit up by the dim lighting in the room. This highlights their facial expressions even more.
  The intensity of this scene grows as Jack knows that Nina can offer more information than she’s willing to give. She tries to offer him a deal being that she’s on a time stamp, hence the eye line match earlier, to get on a plane. However, Jack's only goal is to get Nina to open up about where the bomb is located and who activated this bomb. His frustration gets the best of him as he ends up agreeing to the deal but under one condition;  he wants to know who they’d be going to meet about the bomb. Nina refuses to provide him with this answer and so Jack flips the table. This reaction shot was done through dutch angle. Eventually, things get even more heated as Jack and Nina have a face to face encounter. In this dialogue, Nina uses smug information about Jack's position on the case. After this, shot reverse shot takes place right before the big bang. Jack violently attacks Nina by pushing her chair back to the wall. Right there, a split screen is done as it shows Jack's team members rushing to the room to stop him from choking Nina to death. He whispers a threat into her ear as he continues. The extract ends after Jack has walked out the room, leaving Nina panting to catch her breath, hunched over. It then closes with a fade-out. 
   The theme of the extract is thriller. From the director’s camera angles, shots, sound, edits and mise-en-scenes, this theme is illustrated. The issue being discussed is severe and that is heavily emphasized. The interference with a government official and mention of a bomb causes for mystery. 
  1. Diegetic
  2. Score
  3. Ambient sound’
  4. Incidental music
  5. Non-diegetic
  1. Color
  2. Costume
  3. Lighting
  4. Location
  5. Design 
Camera Angles, Movements, Shots
  1. Zoom in
  2. Over the shoulder shot
  3. Close-up
  4. Medium close up
  5. Two shot
  6. Hand held
  7. Tracking shot
  1. Shot reverse shot
  2. Eye-line match
  3. Fade out 
  4. Split screen
Theme of Extract
  1. The theme of the extract is thriller. I choose to say thriller because there is  a mysterious problem going on that needs to be solved. This problem is a potential crime but one too big to threaten with simple prison time. Before anyone that is involved is taken away, questions need to be answered. This bomb can go off any minute now so the interrogation itself cannot go on too long.  Both the characters are stubborn and feel entitled to the information that they have/want to know. 
  2. Shot reverse shot 
1. Zoom in 
2. Close up 
3. Dutch angle
4. Diegetic sound
5. Non-diegetic sound
6. Score
7. Lighting 
8. Design

  1. 1. Look of the interrogation room 
2. The eye-line match to the clock
3. slow footsteps of Jack

Friday, April 17, 2020

Movie CCR

In this blog, I will be uploading part one of my CCR.

Music Video + CCR

Commercial + CCR

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 
My commercial challenges conventions because Dunkin Donut commercials are usually filmed indoors, happy customers are shown and the coffee is being poured and or shown being stirred/brewed. Within my commercial, it is filmed outside, one of my customers isn’t very happy and the products (an iced coffee, bagel and breakfast sandwich) are shown ready with no background as to when they were made. The similarities between our commercial and a Dunkin Donuts commercial is that we used the most popular products. The Dunkin Donuts products used in my commercial represents social groups because it is given to a bitter business woman that never has time to herself and has to stop by to get breakfast instead of being able to make it at home. In our commercial, we created conflict between the businesswoman and the employee. A jogger and the business woman orders the same product but because the jogger got there first, the employee gave it away. We did this because most Dunkin Donuts employees uphold a certain degree of dignity and pride in their work. We wanted the end result to still be the typical theme of ‘America Runs on Dunkin’.

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as real media text?  
My product engages with the audience because this is a realistic scenario as mistakes happen in the workplace all the time. As adolescents ourselves, we know how others think. Many do not even waste their time watching commercials nowadays and because we’re aware of this, our goal was to grab the attention of our audience. We accomplished this through using realistic instead of logical fallacies. If our product were to be distributed as a real media text, it would be distributed through YouTube ads, TV’s and social media ads with better editing. 

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 
In the beginning of the school year, I did not have any production skills. That’s one of the primary reasons as to why I chose this class. I assumed that there was more to the filmmaking process than what meets the eye but I never knew exactly what it was. However, once we started taking notes and learned vocabulary terms, I learned so much more. My production skills developed as I now feel more comfortable filming being that we actually had to film ourselves. This resulted in me learning how to old the camera properly, set up a tripod, get into certain angles, and turn the camera on and off. 
4. How did you integrate technologies- software, hardware and online- in this project?
   My classmates and I integrated technologies in this project through the editing and filming process. I used software and hardware technology through the editing process because of Pinnacle Studios.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Getting It Together.

   This whole pandemic has really thrown my life into shambles. Up until recently, with all the craziness going on, I didn’t realize that I started to slack on my school work. For a while, I was worried about bigger things such as the well being of my family members, trying my best to contribute to groceries, social distancing, etc. I got caught up in all these things and failed to realize that I still have an education to pursue. Unfortunately, what’s done is done. Despite that, I do not plan for this to continue on. I plan to correct my wrongs and move forward. I will begin this by making sure to upload and have the amount of blogs that I’m suppose to have. After that, there’s not much to be done.
   Yesterday, I took it upon myself to not procrastinate. I am actually really proud of myself for doing this. Instead of waiting last minute to film the CCR, I filmed it yesterday at my team mates, Janell, house. I got to her home extra early so that we can go over the way in which we’d film each other. Mine was an interview while here’s was more of a talk show. We didn’t get to film much of the CCR being that our other group member, Micahia, came. Erik wasn’t able to make it. Once Micahia got there, we went outside to finish film being that outside is where most of our scenes take place. After we were done filming, we all sat down and editing the movie together. Once that was done, Janell and I filmed each other for our CCR and then I went home.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Crazy News!

   Wow, so many  things have happened since the last time we spoke. I am honestly blown away at how drastically my life has changed. I went from exiting my home everyday for school and or work to staying at home 24/7 for days. The strain, Covid-19, of the Coronavirus has completely taken over the world. As of recently, students are doing online schooling and it’s being recommended that everyone stays away from each other. This has changed the way everything operates. Businesses are closed until further notice. Not just any business, but the ones that keep us operating the most. Movie theaters, restuarants, the beach, amusement parks, etc. All the fun things that can be done, potential plans, everything has been ruined.
   The outbreak of this virus has also changed a lot school wise. Tests have been canceled and events have been canceled as well or pushed back. Another thing that was pushed back has been the release date of CCR. My teammates and I plan on using this extended time to finish our movie. We will all meet up safely and carefully Saturday, at Janell’s house. I will ensure that my teammates and I are wearing masks once we’re outside to keep ourselves protected. I know that I have been speaking of us finishing our movie for quite some time now but we never got around to doing so because of this abrupt outbreak. It grew into something no one could ever imagine. Despite this, I have hope that everything will blow over with time. In the mean time, I will continue to do my school work and work my hardest.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Perfecting Scenes Reshoot

Instead of meeting up to film additional scenes, my team mates and I decided to use our extra time to reshoot some small scenes. This was done to clean up our work. This break to us is not just time off. We thought we should change that type of mindset and simply consider it time to go towards the future. Time to continue to do what you were doing and perfect it. We went over the scenes of the child walking up to the kidnapper. Also, we reshot the scene where the mom and stranger got to know each other. This time we got up close and personal so that the dialogue can be heard. This was a fun time. I enjoyed myself as I got to meet new people.
  Some more things I would like to reshoot in the future is the police officers scene. I feel that it could’ve been better. My teammates and I plan on meeting up soon so that we can continue filming and wrapping up the process. It’s almost time. We also have begun the process of editing but I’ll talk about that soon enough. As of right now, my teammates  and I are keeping our toes dipped in every requirement of this movie assignment. We would not like to miss a beat. Working towards our future is always first and foremost. The Cambridge Diploma would really help us secure our future. With Faith, Positivity, Determination, and Love, anything can be accomplished.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Another Additional Filming Blog

It’s official guys! My teammates and I finally got to film. The process took place at a park this past weekend. Everything went smoothly and everyone was very cooperative. We had to include other people in this filming process as it turned out to be more than what we bargained for. We had the help of four other people. One of them being the precious little girl we used as the child who got kidnapped. The setting of our scene was really beautiful as you can see from the picture. It screams excitement and that’s exactly what I feel a park should do. The only missing person from the group was Erik.
My teammates and I will continue filming this weekend. We’re almost done. As I mentioned before, Erik was not present in our first shooting link up but he definitely  plans on coming out this time around. Not only will he be present but he’ll be acting as well. You guys will finally get to meet the mysterious Erik. I speak about him sometimes and yet he’s someone that you guys have never seen. Well this weekend will settle all your wonders. My teammates and I plan on finalizing our film. After this, we are surely to begin the editing process. I can’t wait as I know the finished product will be amazing.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer Review

   One thing I really liked about this film was it’s ability to intrigue without exaggerating anything beyond belief. Just the right amount of details were given in order to hold ones attention. It makes one want to continue watching for all the right reasons. An example of this can include romantic movies/scenes. It is likely that women are the ones to like romantic movies but contrary to popular belief, women do not like just any romantic movie. It’s only the ones that are realistic. So realistic that it makes you think of your own life. It makes you relate. That’s exactly what this film did. All the right, realistic, and relatable details were just enough.
   One suggestion I would make to the film is fixing the sound. The background is too windy. Dialogue can barely be heard. A way to fix this can be by using take wind over the scenes. This can be done through editing. Another way can be to change the setting of the scene, if possible. Maybe this will help minimizing the winds. Additionally, there aren’t titles present in the movie. I would suggest that they insert that soon to that it’ll tie the movie together. Spice things up in a way also.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Additional Filming Blog

   My team mates and I still have yet to film but we do plan on doing so very soon. Last blog, I told you guys about our disagreements and the ugly side of what’s been going on. Moving forward, my team mates and I are now on the same page. We all have every intention of making the filming journey successful by working together, efficiently and diligently. The scheduled filming appointment amongst us all is this upcoming Saturday. We will be meeting up at my team mate, Janell, house. Although we do not have a set time of when we’ll be meeting up, it is likely that the girls, Janell and Micahia will meet up at 3. I go to work Saturday morning from 11am to 4pm. After work, I will be headed over to Janell’s place. Eventually Eric will join us and then the filming process will begin.
   This Saturday, my team mates and I will begin the filming process. We are on limited time and because of this, we will try to film as much as we can. We plan on filming the most important scenes and leaving the less important ones for next weekend. However, we do have a major problem that I honestly don’t know how we’ll solve. I have faith that we’ll be able to figure it out but as of right now, I’m not too sure. This major problem is that we do not have as many props as we would like. Also, we don’t have as many props as we included into our story script. This weekend will be full of improvise and compromise. We’ll try our best to make ends meet. All in all, I’m very excited about this weekend and the results of our film as I know it’ll be an amazing outcome.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming Blog

   This blog was suppose to be based on what my team mates and I have been able to film thus far. However, we did not get to film this past weekend. The presented picture was inserted so that I can show you guys apart of the reason why my teammates and I didn’t get to film. We couldn’t come to an agreement on things. I think that we make a decent group and we are  able to get along but for some reason, when it came down to filming, our communication skills were very poor. Fortunately, this will no longer be a problem. I have talked to each one of my team mates individually and with care. I like to consider myself as someone who is very understanding and I make sure I demonstrate that to those around me. My team mates felt comfortable enough to confide in me and let me know what’s going on in their lives. This was very important as it got them to trust me as a team mate and someone who was willing to listen.
  Another reason why we weren’t able to film this past weekend is because all of us deal with more than just school. We couldn’t not get our schedules to line up. The girls and I all have jobs and Eric deals with family issues. All of us did not have the same free day and because of that, could not pick a day to film. The days that were available for me may not have been available for Micahia or even Eric. At the end of the day, we’re all still under the age of 18 and Micahia’s the only one who has a car. We are not able to just walk out the house and simply inform our parents that we’ll be back. We have to inform them and get their permission first. However, fortunately this is no longer an issue. We planned out our filming day a while back and the girls and I were able to schedule certain days off along with the fact that Eric  was able to talk to his parents in advance and get their consent.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Shooting Script

Attached below is the shooting script. You cannot have a film without planning what will be in it and its sound. Hence the names of the blogs: shooting script and sound script. To summarize, a shooting script is what will happen in your film. Where the scenes take place, who will be in it, the action, that type of thing. A sound script is all the sound that will be included in the scenes. When my group and I were working on this, we had to make sure that the sound and the scenes were matching up. We also had a little trouble coming up with what we would include, but we figured it out. These scripts were created on Google Slides. Embedded in this blog is the shooting script.

Sound and Dialogue Script

Attached below is the sound and dialogue script. One necessary step when planning a film is the writing of scripts. In film, there are two types of scripts, shooting script, and sound script. Shooting script has what will be filmed, and what camera angles are to be used. The sound script contains not only the dialogue, but also background noises that are to be featured. When writing the dialogue script, my group and I had to truly put our pitch into action. We needed to come up with dialogue and sounds that fit not only the pitch, but also the genre. Once we came to a conclusion of the events and scenes of our film, the writing was able to begin. To make the script, we used Google Slides. This allowed for an organized way to showcase which scenes contain which sound. Embedded in this blog is the sound script.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: Goodfellas Movie

What movie was the title sequence from?
A: I did a movie called Goodfellas. This movie is about a man who grows up in a mob and tries to advance himself. Henry and his two friends advance from misdemeanors to felonies.

What website was used?
A: In order to watch the clip Goodfellas, I used the website

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
A: There are 16 titles displayed in the opening sequence.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequences ?
A: The images that are prioritized are black screens with words coming up on them. The words slide across the screen like a car zooming on a road. The next images are the men in a car. They open the truck and there is a man there all bloody. One man then proceeds to stab him and another one shoots him.

What connotation do the images carry?
A: The images carry an explicit representation of someone doing a deed they are not supposed to. The color black represents that something bad is happening. The images also carry the sound of a car, which creates a wonder of what is happening.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
A: Genre is reinforced through symbolic and technial codes because the drama comes from the suspense from the black screens of not knowing what is going on. As the screen comes on, all that is seen is 3 men in a car. Sound is then heard from the trunk, which creates drama because the men don't know what's going on. Crime is enforced through the scenes because there is a bloody man in the trunk. One guy proceeds to stab him and the other shoots him.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
A: The film establishes an enigma from the black screens by creating suspense on what is actually happening. It leads the audience to want to know what is going on. When the actual pictures come on, it leads the audience to wanting to watch the movie, as they are being captured by what is going on.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
A: The film uses the sound of a car speeding and swiping the words across the scene, creating drama because the audience wants to know what is going on. Drama is also created when the men hear bumping in the trunk, and pull over to check it out. Crime is created when the bloody man is presented, and one man stabs him repeatedly while the other shoots him.

How has technology been used effectively? (Consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques)
A: A high angle was used to create the suspense of the trunk and what was inside. The black screens transitioned to an actual car driving, which confirms the noise of a car zooming. Also, editing played a role with the eyeline match scene where the guys were looking at the trunk and it showed the trunk.

Title Research: Smokin Aces'

What movie was the title sequence from?

The title sequence researched is from the 2006 film, Smokin' Aces. It qualifies as multiple genres, two of which are crime and drama.

What website was used?

In order to watch the title sequence of Smokin' Aces, I used the website
How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?

Throughout the sequence, a total of 29 titles are displayed. They start with actors, then some producers, and the final one is the name of the film.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequences?

In the titles, prioritized images are those of people. The images feature still frames of action shots with an artistic filter over them.

What connotations do the images carry?

Overall, the images give off a feeling as if they are intended to be intimidating. This feeling comes from both the action poses and the artistic filters.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset

Genre is hardly reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset. In symbolic codes, the genre is reinforced in the opening sequence based on the images. The fact that most of the still frames in the title sequence feature characters with guns ties into the genre of crime.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?

The film establishes enigma through the use of and colors. The colors and overall design used are similar to that of the art style pop art

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The film appeals to its target audience by being what it intends to be. As it is a crime film, it features images depicting scenes that can be expected in crime films. Also, the coloration in the title sequence is unique, which can also potentially appeal to the audience.

How has technology been used effectively? (Consider camera angles, transitions, and editing techniques)
Without the technology that was used, the title sequence wouldn't even be possible. It uses a mixture of transitions, added music, and other effects.

Title Research: Hostage Movie

What movie was the title sequence from?
For this blog i chose The movie hostage. The movie is about an officer in the Los Angeles Police Department (Jeff Talley) who quits the force and relocates his family to the suburbs. He becomes the the sheriff in a sleepy town, and thinks he has escaped the the hustle in his old job. All is well until an elaborate local heist puts him back in the center of action.

How Long was the title sequence ?
- The title sequence was 2 minutes and 56 seconds long.

What website did the title sequence come from?
- The sequence was from

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
- There were 31 titles displayed during the opening sequence. Also, the title of the film was shown after 7 other titles came up on the screen.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequences ?
- There were men who were “paused” as in standing still. They were armed with heavy artillery and their gear had symbols from different police forces and departments, such as SWAT. The rooftops of the large buildings were also shown at different angles which explains the setting of the beginning of the film.

What connotation do do the images carry?
- Negative because heavy police presence usually  means there is a threat. Heavy artillery is deadly force used to take out an immediate threat.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

 - Many of the shots in the titles are in front of pictures of the tops of buildings. They are also not in color which creates suspense and curiosity in the view were because he wants to know what the setting is going to be like.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
- The music that is playing in the background is calm but it gets louder then calm again in a way. The music also has a suspenseful beat to it. Toward the end of the titles and when the film is about to begin, the sound decreased. This created suspense and tension because all of the sound that was playing before was action-like but then it suddenly cease-and-desists.

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
- The title of this movie will cause individuals with interest in this genre or type of movie with draw them in. Also the titles quickly exit as soon as they enter which makes the process of showing them faster and makes it easier for individuals to not lose interest in the movie before it even starts.

How has technology been used effectively? (Consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques)

- Fade in and fade outs created suspense. Also the aerial view shots of the tops of the city view established location.

Title Research: Seven Movie

For this blog, I chose a movie from another website to indulge into the title. I will be answering questions about this movie. The questions are:

- What Website?
I got this movie off of ‘’. This is the website that I decided to use because it’s easy to navigate. I had no complications finding my movie and watching the opening sequence.

- What film?
The name of this movie is Seven. This movie is about a retiring detective that decides to go on one last case with a new detective in town that he was paired with against his will. Through this last case they realize that they’re dealing with a serial killer. This serial killer justifies his crimes by using the seven deadly sins as his motive. Being that one detective is new on the force and the other is an old dog, the two have a tough time coexisting. Despite this, they both have the common end goal that is catching this serial killer.

- How long was it?
The title sequence was 2 minutes and 8 seconds.

- How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
There are 27 titles displayed during the opening sequences. Of that, the title of the movie was shown after the 6th title and once again after the 26th title.

- What imagines are prioritized in the opening sequences?
The images that are prioritized are the ones that showcase gruesome murder and equipment along with news.

- What connotations do the images carry?
The images connote mystery, death and overall chaos.

- How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
Genre is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset in many ways. In symbolic codes, the genre is reinforced in the opening sequence based off the images. As stated earlier, the serial killer justifies his killings as punishment for what he thinks is the “ignorance” of others regarding the seven deadly sins. In the outset, it shows what seems to be someone planning and this planning is showing us what is beneath the surface which is the killers multiple murders. In technical codes, the genre is reinforced through the lighting. The lighting for the shots along with the angles are used to create an eerie feeling.

- How does the film establish enigma from the outset?
The film establishes enigma by the use of props and color. The outset is in black and white with weird and unusual props being used.

- What strategies are used to make sure the film appeals to its target audience?
The strategies are the sound, lighting, and focus of the camera onto certain things such as the props.
The non-diegetic sounds along with lighting and focus of the camera all draws the audience attention and has them intrigued. While the sound has them on edge, the lighting also establishes enigma and the focus of the camera leaves them curios and guessing.

- How was technology been used effectively?
Technology was used through the editing techniques of fade-in and dissolve. This caused an effect of leaving the audience curious and on edge as discussed earlier. Also, through the camera angle of extreme close up and camera movement of pan. This is where enigma is once again apparent.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

The website,, is a website that provides examples of titles in film. This includes movies, TV shows, and even interviews. A typical film title sequence includes multiple different things. Titles aren't just the title of the movie. Titles also include cast such as the director, and also notable actors. I chose to use this website for a few reasons. The first of which is the simplicity, as the site is easy to navigate. The website is divided into 3 major categories: Title Sequences, Designers, and Studios. There is a search bar to find if there are title sequences included for a specific film. If just browsing, the website also has titles divided into different categories. The categories are Feature Film, TV Shows, Event Titles, Student Projects, and Video Games. With each category, there is a selection of titles from films of that category. Each title clip also has paragraphs written going into detail on the film. There is a brief summary of the plot, and the year the film was produced. There also is a section labelled 'complete cast'.

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

I am looking into the “artofthetitle” site because it’s an interesting site that is focused on intriguing movie titles. This site brings awareness to things that we typically look over when watching a film. This is specifically in the beginning. Throughout this site, I've seen multiple films with interesting titles. The site is introduced to a viewer by having the top 10 best title sequences of 2019 as the front page as you can see from the picture. Underneath these films, there's paragraphs that provides background information about the films and the meanings behind the titles. This site even dwells into the color schemes of titles. It lets you know why the titles may have been placed in that specific location, the feeling the titles may or may not be trying to draw from the audience, and even the production team behind it. This site has taught me that the titles have an enormous amount of importance to the film. Throughout this site, I've also learned that the directors emotions behind the film shines through in ways we wouldn't think of. Most films are the directors way of bringing awareness to an issue that may be important to him/her. Also, we can also even go as far as learning who/where the money for making this film came from. The names in the beginning is likely to be the names of the companies that aided in the film. This site is definitely the place to go for a further look into the meanings of titles. It gives an intense amount of detail that I highly doubt any other site has to offer.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Denial Movie

A film example of the Legal Drama genre is a movie titled "Denial". It can be found to watch on Hulu, and for sale on other platforms. It dramatizes the Irving v Penguin Books Ltd. case, where David Irving, a holocaust denier, sues author Deborah Lipstadt for libel. Irving tries to prove that there were no gas chambers. Lipstadt visits the former Auschwitz concentration camp site to gather evidence that the holocaust did in fact happen. The case concluded with Lipstadt as the victor. I found the film interesting, as it shows the extremities of the beliefs of some people. I liked how the film portrayed the case overall.
Camera Angles:
 ⁃ Medium long shot : the teacher is talking to the class
   - Medium close up : the teacher near the glass window speaking to the students in the classroom
  - High Angle : The can of food being emptied

Camera Shots :
 ⁃ Two shot: Her and the dog entering the room, she has a box in her hand as well
 ⁃ Point of View shot: Walking up the stairs and when the can of food is emptied
 ⁃ Medium Close up: When they introduce her as an author

Camera Movements:
 ⁃ Zoom: They zoom in on the lady’s face when she is praying outside in the snow
 ⁃ Tracking: Her walking around with the boxes in her hand
 ⁃ Flash pan: The transition from when she is on TV so when she is performing live about what she is saying
 ⁃ Stationary: When they enter the bar

Costumes: Throughout the film, the costume doesn't change much. It features a lot of formal and semi-formal attire, such as what you would find in a courtroom.

Lighting: The film consists of scenes that are both indoors and outdoors. In the outdoor scenes, the lightning is natural lighting, and in the indoor scenes, there are ceiling lights, and possibly lighting rigs.

Acting: The acting in the film helps to portray the plotline. The actors are able to make the viewer feel that what they say is their actual beliefs.

Makeup: Some of the female characters appear to be wearing makeup. Also, the hairstyles on characters are more likely than not done by the makeup team.

Props: Props in the film are all related to the scenes depicted. This includes the judge's gavel, and also plates and cups in a scene where the characters are eating.

Setting: Settings include in a restaurant, the courtroom, the remnants of a Nazi gas chamber, and a classroom.

Genre Research: Roman J. Israel, Esq.

This movie was about a man named Roman. When his boss dies unexpectedly, he has to takeover and defend a young man accused of murdering a store clerk. What I liked about this film was the fact that the movie starts off by giving background story on how Roman was being disbarred. It had the qualities of what you would see in a court case packet, which was different than most movies I've seen.

What I disliked about this movie is that I felt that it moved too quickly. I feel like they should have established exactly who Roman's boss actually was and what he looked like, before he died.

Camera Angles:
1) Eye level: The camera was fixiated directly at the judge.
2) High angle: Roman and the book in his house.
3) Low angle: Camera is pointing up at the man.

Camera Movements:
1) Pan: This was a movement from the notepads on office shelves to Roman in the office.
2) Tracking: The camera was moving with Roman as he walked inside the courtroom.
3) Zoom: At the beginning of the movie, the zooming in on the words.

Camera Shots:
1) Three shot: Two men and a woman were talking in the courthouse.
2) Over the shoulder shot: The camera is over the defendant's shoulder, while Roman is in front of him, talking.
3) Two shot: The Judge and officer who was talking.

1) Fade in: From a black screen, to the office.
2) Shot/ Reverse Shot: This shot was from Roman, to officer in the courthouse, back to Roman.
3) Eye-line match: This shows Roman looking out the window, and it shows what is out the window.

1) Voiceover: This took place at the beginning of the movie, with the voice of Roman.
2) Dialogue: This dialogue was between Roman and a woman talking about William (Roman's boss who had a heart attack).
3) Digetic: The car sounds as Roman was walking to the courthouse.

Since this movie mostly takes place in a courthouse, policewear, an orange jumpsuit, and professional clothing is worn by people in the movie.

In the beginning of the movie, Roman is seen in an office, which has a sufficient amount of lighting. The movie then goes outside, which is natural lighting. Lastly, the courtroom is well lit, as important deeds are being taken care of.

Since this is a legal based movie, most of the characters are normal people, and others acting as a defendant, a judge, lawyers, and officers.

The defendant is seen having a bruised eye when he talks to Roman. Also, the lawyer on the prosecution has light makeup on.

Brief cases, handcuffs, and a mallet are mostly shown throughout the movie.

- The courtroom
- The office
- Outside
- The outside of the courtroom.

Genre Research: Western and Legal Drama

Genre Research: PINK Movie

One of the movies that fall under the Legal Drama genre is a movie called “PINK”. This movie can be found on Netflix. It’s about a sexual assault victim that is getting charged unjustly with attempted murder of the man that attacked her. She’s defended by a retired lawyer that challenges the rape laws in their country that is India. This movie was interesting as it brought awareness to the things that happens to people in other countries. I liked the fact that although the lawyer suffered from bipolar disorder that he was ashamed of, he still came out of retirement to defend these girls. Being that the attacker is the son of a politician, no other lawyer in town wanted to take the risk of defending her.
What I didn’t like about this movie is the fact that it portrays Indian society towards women who don’t follow what they think is the right thing for women to do. Another reason why no one wanted to defend the victim is because they felt that she was in the wrong although she’s the one that got attacked. This movie was overall a whirlwind of emotions. 

Camera Shots
- Extreme Close Up: First shot of the lawyer. He’s now introduced to the plot. 
- Two Shot: The scene where the attacker and his friend were filmed on their way to the hospital. 

Camera Angles: 
- Eye Level: This is filmed as the girls are panicking and and in a frenzy about what happened. 
- Low Angle: Show the girl in the jail cell. 

Camera Movement:
- Zoom: It zooms into the attackers bruises 
-Pan: This was used in the courtroom during the trial. 

- Fade-in: This is in the beginning of the movie as it goes from credits to the opening scene.
- Cross-cutting: Camera went back and forth between the girl getting kidnapped to the lawyers house.

- Diegetic Sound: Sounds of cars passing by.
- Dialogue: All throughout the movie.

This movie takes place mostly at the police station, outside in the streets and the actor’s homes. 

This film was shot indoors and outdoors. Outdoors there is natural lighting and indoors there is no ring light but there is ceiling light. 

The acting in this movie is good. The girl plays her role as a damaged sexual assault victim being that later on in the movie, the attacker found her and kidnapped her. This was to roughen her up. The guy is very aggressive and well executes his role as he does an excellent job of acting in it. The lawyer takes medicated pills to keep his bipolar disorder at bay. 

The females in this movie are not wearing makeup. If so, it’s for the scenes where they are crying. This is done to make a dramatic effect. It has the ability to keep the audience intrigued. 

The props used in this movie were hand props such as the lawyers briefcase, phones, pills, and weapons. 

The settings in this movie varies. The setting include home, hospital, jail cell, the park and the police station. 

Genre Research: Chosen Genre

After researching these three genres, we chose legal drama. The reason why we chose this genre is because we felt that it would be more interesting. Also, we would have more availability to get props and costumes for this film. Legal drama would bring a smart but twisted effect for our audience. We feel that western would be too standard. It is unlikely for us to be able to create a desert looking setting with cowboy hats and guns. For musical, we feel that it wouldn't be that much interesting. We wanted to choose a genre that would have our audience on the edge of their seats. With legal drama as our genre choice, that is sure to happen.

Genre Research: Musical Assignment

This assignment was about explaining what a musical film was. We were given a genre and were told to give an examples of the camera angles, movements, and shots. Our PowerPoint was to include pictures and colors that correlated with our genre. Since our genre was musicals, we used uplifting colors and the transitions that would help our PowerPoint pop out and be more visually appealing. This assignment was to expose us to the fact that there is more to a genre of a film than what is shown on the surface. After this assignment, when watching other films and productions it was easier to point out movements and shots. I believe the purpose was to do this, and it worked. Musical film is a film genre in which songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing.