Friday, April 24, 2020

Essay + Worksheets

The chosen extract for me is 24. This extract drew my attention in the fastest way. It’s about a woman by the name of Nina who is being interrogated by Jack about the President and bombs. Why? Unknown.  The theme of this extract includes counterintelligence, and secrecy all revolved around the theme of thriller. 
    The opening scene immediately gave off the mysterious and intense vibe that the director clearly put upfront as it was done through incidental music, an over the shoulder shot and zoom in. All before the dialogue began.  Within those edits, Jack was introduced. The agitated man who  wants answers from the hard-headed woman that refuses to provide them without her way. The answer to the same question that leaves the viewers wondering as well. 
Who Nina is, why this bomb was set and why the President's signature is needed for it are all the things in question as the scenes continue. The props of handcuffs, papers and a table are used to show a suspenseful interrogation. Add the hostility between the characters and that emphasizes the severity of this issue. 
   Before the dialogue begins, Jack tries to intimidate Nina through the diegetic sound of his footsteps. He takes slow steps as he walks around. When the face of Nina is seen, it's done through close-ups. This is done to draw attention to the slight smirk that's on her face. From there, an eye line match is done. Nina looks up at the clock and gets to talking. Meanwhile, Jack isn’t interested in anything that she has to say. He, instead, wants to know more information about the bomb and how to stop it.  Everything but their faces are lit up by the dim lighting in the room. This highlights their facial expressions even more.
  The intensity of this scene grows as Jack knows that Nina can offer more information than she’s willing to give. She tries to offer him a deal being that she’s on a time stamp, hence the eye line match earlier, to get on a plane. However, Jack's only goal is to get Nina to open up about where the bomb is located and who activated this bomb. His frustration gets the best of him as he ends up agreeing to the deal but under one condition;  he wants to know who they’d be going to meet about the bomb. Nina refuses to provide him with this answer and so Jack flips the table. This reaction shot was done through dutch angle. Eventually, things get even more heated as Jack and Nina have a face to face encounter. In this dialogue, Nina uses smug information about Jack's position on the case. After this, shot reverse shot takes place right before the big bang. Jack violently attacks Nina by pushing her chair back to the wall. Right there, a split screen is done as it shows Jack's team members rushing to the room to stop him from choking Nina to death. He whispers a threat into her ear as he continues. The extract ends after Jack has walked out the room, leaving Nina panting to catch her breath, hunched over. It then closes with a fade-out. 
   The theme of the extract is thriller. From the director’s camera angles, shots, sound, edits and mise-en-scenes, this theme is illustrated. The issue being discussed is severe and that is heavily emphasized. The interference with a government official and mention of a bomb causes for mystery. 
  1. Diegetic
  2. Score
  3. Ambient sound’
  4. Incidental music
  5. Non-diegetic
  1. Color
  2. Costume
  3. Lighting
  4. Location
  5. Design 
Camera Angles, Movements, Shots
  1. Zoom in
  2. Over the shoulder shot
  3. Close-up
  4. Medium close up
  5. Two shot
  6. Hand held
  7. Tracking shot
  1. Shot reverse shot
  2. Eye-line match
  3. Fade out 
  4. Split screen
Theme of Extract
  1. The theme of the extract is thriller. I choose to say thriller because there is  a mysterious problem going on that needs to be solved. This problem is a potential crime but one too big to threaten with simple prison time. Before anyone that is involved is taken away, questions need to be answered. This bomb can go off any minute now so the interrogation itself cannot go on too long.  Both the characters are stubborn and feel entitled to the information that they have/want to know. 
  2. Shot reverse shot 
1. Zoom in 
2. Close up 
3. Dutch angle
4. Diegetic sound
5. Non-diegetic sound
6. Score
7. Lighting 
8. Design

  1. 1. Look of the interrogation room 
2. The eye-line match to the clock
3. slow footsteps of Jack

Friday, April 17, 2020

Movie CCR

In this blog, I will be uploading part one of my CCR.

Music Video + CCR

Commercial + CCR

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 
My commercial challenges conventions because Dunkin Donut commercials are usually filmed indoors, happy customers are shown and the coffee is being poured and or shown being stirred/brewed. Within my commercial, it is filmed outside, one of my customers isn’t very happy and the products (an iced coffee, bagel and breakfast sandwich) are shown ready with no background as to when they were made. The similarities between our commercial and a Dunkin Donuts commercial is that we used the most popular products. The Dunkin Donuts products used in my commercial represents social groups because it is given to a bitter business woman that never has time to herself and has to stop by to get breakfast instead of being able to make it at home. In our commercial, we created conflict between the businesswoman and the employee. A jogger and the business woman orders the same product but because the jogger got there first, the employee gave it away. We did this because most Dunkin Donuts employees uphold a certain degree of dignity and pride in their work. We wanted the end result to still be the typical theme of ‘America Runs on Dunkin’.

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as real media text?  
My product engages with the audience because this is a realistic scenario as mistakes happen in the workplace all the time. As adolescents ourselves, we know how others think. Many do not even waste their time watching commercials nowadays and because we’re aware of this, our goal was to grab the attention of our audience. We accomplished this through using realistic instead of logical fallacies. If our product were to be distributed as a real media text, it would be distributed through YouTube ads, TV’s and social media ads with better editing. 

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 
In the beginning of the school year, I did not have any production skills. That’s one of the primary reasons as to why I chose this class. I assumed that there was more to the filmmaking process than what meets the eye but I never knew exactly what it was. However, once we started taking notes and learned vocabulary terms, I learned so much more. My production skills developed as I now feel more comfortable filming being that we actually had to film ourselves. This resulted in me learning how to old the camera properly, set up a tripod, get into certain angles, and turn the camera on and off. 
4. How did you integrate technologies- software, hardware and online- in this project?
   My classmates and I integrated technologies in this project through the editing and filming process. I used software and hardware technology through the editing process because of Pinnacle Studios.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Getting It Together.

   This whole pandemic has really thrown my life into shambles. Up until recently, with all the craziness going on, I didn’t realize that I started to slack on my school work. For a while, I was worried about bigger things such as the well being of my family members, trying my best to contribute to groceries, social distancing, etc. I got caught up in all these things and failed to realize that I still have an education to pursue. Unfortunately, what’s done is done. Despite that, I do not plan for this to continue on. I plan to correct my wrongs and move forward. I will begin this by making sure to upload and have the amount of blogs that I’m suppose to have. After that, there’s not much to be done.
   Yesterday, I took it upon myself to not procrastinate. I am actually really proud of myself for doing this. Instead of waiting last minute to film the CCR, I filmed it yesterday at my team mates, Janell, house. I got to her home extra early so that we can go over the way in which we’d film each other. Mine was an interview while here’s was more of a talk show. We didn’t get to film much of the CCR being that our other group member, Micahia, came. Erik wasn’t able to make it. Once Micahia got there, we went outside to finish film being that outside is where most of our scenes take place. After we were done filming, we all sat down and editing the movie together. Once that was done, Janell and I filmed each other for our CCR and then I went home.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Crazy News!

   Wow, so many  things have happened since the last time we spoke. I am honestly blown away at how drastically my life has changed. I went from exiting my home everyday for school and or work to staying at home 24/7 for days. The strain, Covid-19, of the Coronavirus has completely taken over the world. As of recently, students are doing online schooling and it’s being recommended that everyone stays away from each other. This has changed the way everything operates. Businesses are closed until further notice. Not just any business, but the ones that keep us operating the most. Movie theaters, restuarants, the beach, amusement parks, etc. All the fun things that can be done, potential plans, everything has been ruined.
   The outbreak of this virus has also changed a lot school wise. Tests have been canceled and events have been canceled as well or pushed back. Another thing that was pushed back has been the release date of CCR. My teammates and I plan on using this extended time to finish our movie. We will all meet up safely and carefully Saturday, at Janell’s house. I will ensure that my teammates and I are wearing masks once we’re outside to keep ourselves protected. I know that I have been speaking of us finishing our movie for quite some time now but we never got around to doing so because of this abrupt outbreak. It grew into something no one could ever imagine. Despite this, I have hope that everything will blow over with time. In the mean time, I will continue to do my school work and work my hardest.