Today, we edited in class. At first, Jahnell did not have the SD card reader so she had to go get it from my teacher. After that, we uploaded the videos onto the computer. We additionally put each video onto our google drive just to be on the safe side. We started editing by cutting out unnecessary parts and minimizing our time. The video can be no longer than 1 minute and 15 seconds. The minimum is 1 minute and 5 seconds. We have the mindset of “too much than too little”. That way when we sit down and put the WHOLE music video together, we aren’t panicking and trying to record things in a last minute hurry. We’d rather have more things and just cut parts out.
I must admit that we did not get to finish editing. We will finish the rest this weekend. Also, we will wrap up our music video filming. So far, we got to cut and delete the parts that weren’t needed in our music video. Unfortunately, that’s all we were able to do. My team mates and I will insert music over the whole music video. Everything else we have to do is minor. We will officially wrap it up Saturday evening at Micahia’s house. We’ll film indoors this time. This will be done to give the background scenes more variety.
The editing software we will use is iMovie. Crazy part is.... none my team mates know how to use it, including myself. We plan on learning as we go. I’ll try my best to watch YouTube videos in order to teach myself but I’m honestly feeling doubtful about it. One thing I completely suck at is editing. I just don’t know how to do it as well as I’d like. The reason we chose iMovie to edit is because it will not leave a watermark on our music video. We would like to present this music video as originally and smoothly as possible. This includes no choppy scenes and transitions. Hopefully all goes well.
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